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Programs & Events

Adopt-a-Plant: Three Rivers


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Adopt a native shrub to be planted along the Pomperaug River at Three Rivers Park in Woodbury CT!

Volunteer Stream Sampling

Multiple Dates April - Oct.| 8:30AM-12PM

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Join PRWC as we collect stream samples to test for bacteria and nitrate in our local rivers and streams. You will be accompanied by an experienced staff member and will learn how to properly use data recording tools. No experience necessary!

Hollow Park Cleanup

Sat, April 5 | 8:30AM-12:00PM

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Help PRWC clean up trash left by the flood along the Pomperaug River at Hollow Park as part of Woodbury Conservation Comission's Town of Woodbury Spring Cleanup Day! All ages welcome, rain or shine! Gloves, trash bags, and refreshments will be provided.

Vernal Pool-ooza

Sun, April 6 | 1PM-2:30PM

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Join Roxbury Land Trust and PRWC at the Brian E. Tierney Preserve for an exciting adventure exploring vernal pools! Dive into this interactive experience where you’ll discover how to identify these unique habitats, look for fascinating creatures like frogs, toads, and salamanders, and uncover the vital role vernal pools play in our local ecosystem.

Team Up to Clean Up: Ewald Park

Sat, April 12 | 1PM-3PM

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Volunteer in the the 2025 Team Up to Clean Up event with PRWC, Southbury Land Trust, and the Southbury Conservation Commission. Volunteers will meet at the Southbury Town Hall lower-level parking lot to sign in. PRWC will be leading a team to clean up flood debris at Ewald Park in Southbury. Bring work gloves. Trash bags will be provided.

"Who Lives in the River?"

Sun, April 27 | 1PM-2PM

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Join PRWC for a walk along - or in - the Pomperaug River at Hollow Park in Woodbury as part of the Woodbury Earth Day Festival. Participants will get to learn all about river bugs and how they can help reveal the health of a river. Individuals will also have an opportunity to search for and identify these critters alongside PRWC staff. 

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