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A Letter from Lisa Turoczi

A Letter from Lisa Turoczi

I have noticed a huge increase in people engaging with nature! And it’s no surprise because spending time in nature heals us, relaxes and rejuvenates. It's wonderful people are outside taking in the views and vistas of our forests and fields. Hats off to the homeowners working in their gardens! Bravo to the renewed appreciation for our local farms and the fresh produce they provide.

But what essential resource ties this all together? We drink it, we swim in it. Plants and animals rely on it. Yes! Clean WATER is the answer! Clean water is essential for all and must be protected. The Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition (PRWC) was founded on this principal - to protect and preserve the many diverse water components within our communities.

PRWC is a science-based, non-profit organization that has a very active outreach program. They educate school children, homeowners, farmers and municipalities on ways to reduce water contamination. Their staff and volunteers conduct yearly macroinvertebrate surveys which confirm the health of our waterbodies. Their data collection on culverts and stream crossing will be integrated into future town planning and climate resiliency planning.

As a volunteer and Board Member of PRWC, I am proud and grateful to be part of this amazing team! Please join me in supporting PRWC and their continued efforts for us and future generations by making a tax-deductable donation. This year, Valerie Friedman has generously pledged up to $15,000 in matching funds to encourage PRWC supporters to grow their giving and to encourage new donors. Donations to PRWC may be made online, by phone, or by mail.


Lisa Turoczi

PRWC Board Member and Woodbury Resident

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