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It Takes a Coalition to Protect a River

As I reflect on the past year, I am optimistic. Life has not quite arrived at a new normal yet, but together we will continue to make things better. Our community, including volunteers, supporters, conservation partners, and stakeholders like you, continually demonstrates its commitment to making things better by working together to protect, conserve, and restore the rivers and groundwater that sustain life in and around the Pomperaug River valley. Our team witnessed this commitment many times over this summer as illustrated below.

When the Pomperaug dropped to the lowest flow we’ve seen since 2016, you heeded the requests to conserve water and shared with us some of the creative ways you were saving water. Among our favorites were watering your plants with water emptied from the dehumidifier, placing a bucket in the shower to catch water later used on plants, running the dishwasher or washing machine only when it was full, installing a rain barrel, and not washing your car. Your collective actions helped keep water in the river for fish and wildlife and water in the aquifer to support vegetation and a variety of human needs. By only using what you really needed, you helped keep everyone’s glass full.

Folks in the community reached out to PRWC a record number of times this year. We received phone calls and emails from individuals and town agencies looking for guidance on topics including invasive plants (both aquatic and terrestrial), riparian buffers, erosion and sediment control, streambank stabilization, water quality in your rivers, well water testing, septic system maintenance, stream crossing structures, paddling opportunities in the watershed, irrigation practices, and swimming pool water disposal. We shared resources and guidance based on science and current best practices. We also applied our expertise to efforts that included updates to the State Drought Plan, the forthcoming update to the State Water Plan, and local Plans of Conservation and Development as well as the implementation of restoration projects. What was most evident in all of the conversations we had this past year was that you all care about the water in your community and you want to make sure there is enough clean water to keep everyone’s glass full.

We are delighted to know that you and other people in our community care about your water and that you recognize that it takes a coalition to protect it. Your generous gifts and continued support for your rivers and groundwater mean so much! A year-end donation to PRWC helps fund internship and youth conservation experiences, environmental education, stream sampling and assessments, restoration projects, the development of sustainable water and land use policies, and more. We pledge to continue to work in earnest on your behalf, but we cannot do this vitally important work without you. Your financial support today helps keep everyone’s glass full.



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